of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union, usually in batches
on or near the date of each full moon, by:
Minor Planet Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
[email protected] or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
[email protected] (science)
Phone 617-495-7244/7444/7440/7273 (for emergency use only)
World-Wide Web address http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html
Brian G. Marsden, Director Gareth V. Williams, Associate Director
Timothy B. Spahr, NEO Technical Specialist
Syuichi Nakano and Andreas Doppler, Associates
(C) Copyright 2001 MPC * Prep'd using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
Estratto MPC del 28 gennaio 2002
595 Farra d'Isonzo
L. Bittesini, Via dei Conventi 10, I-34070 Farra D'Isonzo (GO), Italy
[[email protected]]
Observers G. Lombardi, M. Spolaor, E. Pettarin
Measurer E. Pettarin
0.40-m f/4.5 reflector + CCD
1997 AQ18, 5, 2, 4; 1998 MF9, 2, 1, 0; 2001 VV122, 7, 2, 1;
2001 XB48, 3, 1, 0; 2001 YF118, 3, 1, 0; 2002 AX1, 3, 1, 0;
2002 AX14, 3, 1, 0; [26, 7, 0*, 1997/12/16-2002/01/17]
* * * * *
(33100)* 1997 YK9 = 1999 JH107
Discovered 1997 Dec. 28 at Farra d'Isonzo.
Id. G. V. Williams (MPC 34886)
Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5 MPC
M 11.64837 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.27709865 Peri. 52.38263 -0.05023608 -0.99572521
a 2.3301280 Node 40.70695 +0.87479862 -0.08131345
e 0.0647087 Incl. 6.82540 +0.48187521 +0.04381126
P 3.56 H 15.3 G 0.15 U 1
Residuals in seconds of arc
J97CS 595 0.9- 0.4- J995I 704 0.8- 0.5+ K009O 704 0.5+ 0.4+
J97CS 595 0.5- 0.3- J995M 595 (0.0 2.4+) K00A2 704 0.4- 0.0
J97CT 595 0.1+ 0.3+ J995M 595 1.1+ 0.2- K00A2 704 0.1- 0.2-
J97CT 595 0.4- 0.5+ K0082 704 1.0+ 1.4+ K00A2 704 0.7+ 0.5+
J97CT 595 0.1- 0.2+ K0082 704 0.3+ 0.6- K00A2 704 0.4+ 0.2+
J981H 595 0.4+ 0.4- K0082 704 0.6+ 0.4+ K00A2 704 0.2+ 1.0+
J981H 595 0.3+ 0.4- K0082 704 0.1+ 0.5- K00AR 704 0.4- 0.4-
J981N 595 1.3- 0.9+ K0084 608 1.1- 1.2- K00AR 704 0.5+ 0.3+
J981O 595 0.6- 0.0 K0084 608 0.7- 1.0- K00AR 704 0.0 0.2-
J981P 595 0.3- 0.4+ K0084 608 0.6- 1.0- K00AR 704 0.1- 0.5+
J981P 595 0.1- 0.3- K008A 704 0.5- 0.1- K00BI 704 0.2- 0.4+
J982I 595 (2.8+ 1.0+) K008A 704 0.1- 1.0+ K00BI 704 0.6+ 1.1+
J982I 595 1.1+ 0.1- K008A 704 0.6- 0.4+ K00BI 704 0.1- 1.7+
J982J 595 1.8+ 0.1+ K008A 704 0.6- 0.9+ K01BO 704 0.7- 0.0
J982J 595 1.3+ 0.5+ K008A 704 0.7- 1.3+ K01BO 704 0.5- 0.1+
J995D 704 0.1- 0.4- K008T 704 0.5+ 0.1+ K01BO 704 0.9+ 0.8-
J995D 704 0.2+ 0.4+ K008T 704 0.4- 0.0 K01CA 704 0.4+ 1.4+
J995D 704 0.2+ 0.4+ K008T 704 1.0- 0.2+ K01CA 704 0.8+ 0.1+
J995D 704 0.2+ 0.9- K009O 699 0.2+ 0.1- K01CA 704 0.4+ 0.1-
J995F 703 1.0+ 0.3- K009O 699 1.0- 0.1+ K01CA 704 0.4- 0.8+
J995F 703 0.8+ 0.7+ K009O 699 0.2+ 0.4- K01CD 704 (0.9+ 3.1+)
J995F 703 1.5+ 0.9+ K009O 704 0.4- 0.0 K01CD 704 0.9+ 0.8+
J995F 703 1.7+ 0.8+ K009O 699 0.5- 0.1- K01CD 704 1.1+ 1.1+
J995I 704 1.6- 1.5+ K009O 704 0.0 0.4+ K0217 608 0.1- 0.2+
J995I 704 1.4- 0.6+ K009O 704 0.2- 0.0 K0217 608 0.1- 1.0+
J995I 704 0.3- 1.3+ K009O 704 0.9+ 0.8+ K0217 608 0.0 1.1+